Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Year! 2013!!


Wow, I was just thinking how much has happened this last year. I have a LOT to catch up on, and sorry that I've been MIA lately. I just arrived back from my 5-week vacation, and before and during were totally crazy.

I'm now sitting in my apt... and it's quiet. Very quiet (and barren. Note to self - improve on my decorations!). These last few weeks I have spent minimal time by myself and it's been fun and busy, and now.... well, my post-travel blues are already here! Usually it takes a day or two to settle in, but sigh, it's here now and I just got home today. I will soon be writing more blogs about more details of these last couple of months, but for now, being that I am reminded that the title of this entire blog is "My Life as an Expat," I will write about that. 1st thing is.... Home. Is my home Dubai? Is it Chicago? Many people I met, especially the ones that I have been here awhile, understandably call their expat home their 'real' home. They have established lives here and being further and further away for longer and longer periods of time does make it seem distant.

BUT, I will vouch now that Chicago is my HOME and always will be by HOME. During this trip, which by the way, I traveled 4 different continents in 5 weeks (Asia (Middle East), North America, South America, and Antarctica), I had some downtime to digest all of these things, and I realize how much I love Chicago. This past year in Dubai has flown by and I'm glad I did have this time to reflect. Yes, I have gotten used to life here and definitely am content and comfortable. However, what stimulates me are family and friends that provide me love and support, and it was just soo sooo great to be with them. But also, diversity, culture, nature, equality, and freedom. Chicago has all those things, Dubai does not. Don't get me wrong, Dubai has great characteristics and I do feel very fortunate for being here, but it's no HOME! And I NEED those things.

So basically, I came to some executive decisions. Before I came here I was definitely leaving things open, "whatever happens, happens." For example, to move someplace else internationally or just decide to stay here longer. Well, of course those things can happen, life is unpredictable, BUT as of now my work visa ends Dec 2014.... this will be 3 years total in Dubai, which I think is a fair amount of time, it may be my time to leave. I really REALLY REALLY love Chicago. When I was in Colorado, which is TOTALLY laid back and very very VERY casual, I kept thinking, almost shockingly because I had forgotten, "wow, Colorado is just sooo soo casual! Almost too much. This is pretty much the exact opposite as Dubai. Exact opposite. I need to find a happy medium." And then my sister blankly said, "Chicago! Chicago is that place." And it was too too true, and that is what I need.

So here it is! 2012, which 1/2 the year took a lot of personal adjustments and ups and downs, to the 2nd half being steady "ups." In 2013 I just want to make the most of my life here, if I just have 2 years to go. I want to travel more, I want to have fun, hopefully make and find opportunities at work, and do unique things I won't be able to do at home.

Let's see what happens!

Happy New Year!!! And as always, Health and Happiness! :-)

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