Sunday, March 2, 2014


I realize that my blogs have mostly been about 3 things:

1. Travel
2. Sport (particularly running!)
3. Eating

Well, I've talked enough recently about the top 2, now it's time to get to this favorite topic of mine, Eating (well, nutrition).

As I mentioned before, I am inspired by goals. Aren't we all? So for the marathon, I KNOW what a difference it makes to do healthy eating AND especially that the lighter we are, the faster we go! Although I didn't quite achieve the weight I wanted, it was somewhat close and I felt good. Then with all the subsequent events, minus the carbo loading, kept up with a pretty good diet: Overnight oats in the morning, raw salad for lunch, and a juice in the evening. And of course lots of snacks in between.

Well, once all these athletic events finished, even before it finished, I made the decision to UN-detox. Basically, eat like a pig, ENJOY life and food, especially with all this ATP Tennis stuff, THEN come March to start a full new program. Fortunately, my BFF Allison was thinking about a detox herself, and being that BOTH of our birthdays are the end of April, we decided to BOTH do a smashing detox and be healthy and happy at 28y/o  (hehehe). So yes! A goal! And this is a goal that will require MUCH willpower and mental strength. I have to confess when I'm good with eating, I'm good, when I'm wishy-washy about it, I can be sloppy. When I'm bad, I'm BAD.

Soooooooo.... basically, these last 2 weeks, I have eaten pretty much all the crap and junk I've avoided for... what seems like forever. Mind you, I am NOT super extreme to do fast food - EW! When I say splurge, it's things like pizza, pasta, desserts, CHEESE, snacks (chips, M&M's)... did I mention CHEESE? Hehe. Well, out of this I realize I think I am definitely intolerant to all this crap. My cheeks and stomach have been sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo puffy and bloated, it's not even funny! I don't know if it's all the sugars, the dairies, and gluten, but I have never felt soooo heavy and just GROSS in forever. I am actually DYING to get on this DETOX!!

So what is this infamous detox? Be forewarned that I will most likely be going into detail about how things are going. I REALLY need to stay strong, I blame my mom for her weakness in turning down goodies when it's in front of her. Good thing is I live by myself and am in the process of getting rid of ALL unhealthy things, which pretty much is ... not too much. Phew! Good thing I don't keep too much around here anyway! But that makes it easier! I'm pretty good about avoiding work temptations when people bring in goodies because they are not appealing to me anyway. Going out to eat will be a challenge, but manageable!

Here's our plan:

1st week of March - RAW FOOD ONLY!!!! Yes, you read the correctly, NOTHING cooked, JUST raw food.
Then 3-6 days of ONLY smoothies (fruit and/or veggies)
THEN 3-6 days of ONLY juicing (same, fruit or veggies)
THEN.... a MONTH, yes 30 days of this program called Whole30 ( Basically, what i would expect - no dairy, no gluten, no grains (including quinoa! Gasp!), and... gasp, what i was most shocked about, NO legumes (lentils, chickpeas). Soo... don't really know what we CAN eat, but hey, it's a measly 30 days of my life. I WILL SURVIVE! Fortunately, there are 2034832048320432 websites to encourage and motivate us, and here are some: - mostly has recipes - a GREAT website

Soo.... all of them recipes and encouragement on HEALTHY eating!!!

This will take us just before our birthdays. We may modify or change some things, but that is the general plan for now!

In the meantime, INDULGE! INDULGE! INDULGE! (But feel GROSS! GROSS! GROSS!!!)

Note on indulging - our bodies are mysterious things. We can work sooo hard to lose weight and it barely budges. Then not working too hard, weight can increase way to easily! Let's just say I weighed myself and.... umm... NOT happy with the weight gain, it wasn't just me thinking my cheeks got big, they are big! Hahah!  I plan on losing it ALL with the Detox!!

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