Friday, November 4, 2016

Singapore Swinging

No Singapore Slinger for me this trip, meaning the famous alcoholic drink, it was more a swinging trip that was jumping all over the place. What a whirlwind!!! I knew the trip would be busy, but phew! Maybe just am getting older and it's harder to manage 5ish hours of sleep a night, sad but true and am excepting it!  Anyhoo, i was last in Singapore... gosh, i think 16 years ago? It was a day transit going to Kuala Lumpur. Don't remember too much so more or less considered it a "new" country. 

Here were was more or less my daily schedule:

Wake up at 5:30am for a run from 6-7:30am. Then mad mad rush to catch the bus to get to my conference, which was 9-5 or so. Then do sightseeing and meeting up with my awesome hosts and/or hanging with colleagues that were there as well, then back to there place around 11:30pm, wind down to midnight, and then up and at 'em again!

So, the reason I came here was for the World Low Back Pain Conference. It was actually in Dubai 3 years ago but because my colleague went and we were a bit short-staffed at the time, i didn't go... actually, wasn't really bothered to go to be honest, am hit or miss with short 10-15 min lectures. But then my colleague and met others that had gone, and they all raved about it that I felt I missed out and then when I found out it was in Singapore, figured it was a good hub to go someplace around there after. Then in the meantime, my good Dubai running friends Aida and Eckman moved there earlier this year and they are lovely and would be a good catch up and they were super nice to have me stay with them.

Singapore is.... well, a LOT like Dubai. Glossy, new, CLEAN, done up, small and easy to get around, full of malls, has lots of man-made attractions, and, well, has an element of fake that Dubai has. BUT I found the people MUCH kinder and nicer and even though fake and glossy, seemed some of the places had a wee bit more character. The gov't, like Dubai, does want to do things for the people, yet Dubai's motive seems to be money and Singapore, prob because they have taxes (10% I hear), there are more free things. It does make one think, no taxes but you have to pay for EVERYTHING and have these hidden takes, OR pay some taxes, but have a lot of open and free community events. What I DID love was the green, green, green of Singapore, so fresh and because of the tropical weather and RAIN, quite lush. Having said that, having that kind of humidity ALL the time, blah (my hair was so so so frizzy!). I guess you get used to it, but still. Dubai gets humid, but at least short term. 

My old co-worker went also to the conference, and as he had gone to the previous one in Dubai and had something to compare it to, he was a bit disappointed as I was, but it was my first. There were many many talks and admittedly, there is only so much you can talk about in 10-15 min, BUT not much new content or practical applications and many talks on "new" research, but conclusions were more or less known. Did of course pick up a few good tips here and there, but I did find myself snoozing a bit (was also fatigued!), oops! The workshop that we went to at the end was FAB and that was almost worth it all. Anyhoo, a good experience and now know not to do a conference like this again and focus on smaller more practical hands on courses. Still was worth coming!!

Oh, of note, and again, can't help comparing Dubai and Singapore. So Dubai is a bit expensive, that's one thing I always tell people when they come - save $$ as everything costs and things can add up. Yes, there are ways to get around that, but overall, an expensive city. Well, Singapore outweighs Dubai, so that says a lot. So so sooooo expensive! Okay, wanted to do some nicer things, but even the local things were expensive. For example, one night we had 4 drinks for 4 people, 2 alcoholic and 2 not - $110 USD. Ouch! Okay, that was at a nice hotel. Same situation but at a more local pub, $95USD. A dinner at a local place, like almost on stools, $150 USD for 4 people. Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Spent more money this short week than i have a month in other places. Well, what to do? We have to enjoy the moments and experiences, even if at a cost, and not be focused on that part. Glad the next week is at a much cheaper destination!!! 

Here are some pics:

Marina Bay Sands: Lucky to have got a rare non rainy fab night with a gorgeous sunset! Our Conference was right there, so had plenty of it during the week there, but these below show the best views!

Gardens By the Bay - Cloud Garden and Flower Garden: Oh boy, hard to narrow down I'm sure hundreds of pictures of flowers, but did my best. Both places were gorgeous (prefer the Cloud Garden though, he he)!

Night safari: Not the best pics unfortunately!

Local eats, fancy drink places, Hawker's cafeteria eats, Chinatown, Clarke's Quay, Orchard Road, and more eats! (Ugh, have to do MAJOR detox when I get back!), etc etc:


Above and below (and not sure why it looks like I am drunk, am not!), durian! I loved it and later learned the love/hate relationship people have, ha ha

When in Chinatown, do as they do - get a foot massage. Best.Thing.Ever! Really, wow! REALLY need to make an effort to do these things more often!!!

Hawker's eats (basically cheaper cafeteria style food, but super delish and yum! That's just what they call it) 


 Clark's Quay:


Orchard Road, already with American style and getting Xmas decorations up and it was only early Nov when I went! 

Well, there you have it! Singapore Swinging! The trip was a bit of a whirlwind, but was overall a nice and also fun to catch up with my friends and also meet up with colleagues. 

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