Tuesday, October 30, 2012


On October 17th, I celebrated my 1-year anniversary living in Dubai (actually, didn't actually DO anything in particular for it except write a blog and tell people!).

Today, October 30th, is my 1-year anniversary at Dubai Bone and Joint Center! I again and "celebrating" with writing a blog.

However, both these things can be something later I will celebrate with, like if I want to buy something fun or treat myself to something fun. Life in Dubai is all about "rewarding" yourself because we all tend to work long hours and there is NEVER a lack of people saying that "you deserve it, you work hard enough!" :-)

THEN, other celebrations are I had 2 successful presentations! One was sponsored by my company, so it was ALL of our staff and then medical staff from the neighboring clinics and hospitals. It's a loooong loooong story, but I not only somehow got "stuck" doing this presentation (I was the only PT presenting, the rest were all docs), but also "stuck" with a topic ... umm... to be nice, I am not passionate about - the hand and wrist. Sooo.. mentally it was a struggle just to prepare it because i'm not interested in it, but alas, I did it and I think it went well. I HATE public speaking AND tend to mumble, so my goals were: to not mumble and to stick to the alloted 15 minutes. So I did both and that was enough for me! Here's a pic of me at the Conference:

The other presentation was at an actual PT Conference, so this was more "serious" presenting in front of my colleagues and I got to chose my topic, so I did it on something I am interested in, the shoulder (Scapular Dyskinesia, to be exact). I TRIED to get it started earlier, procrastinated a bit, but when the time came, was ready. Fortunately, I was the 2nd speaker, so I got it done with early, and also the guy in front of me gave a total un-structured, un-organized, and distorted presentation. So when I came up next, having all those things, everyone seemed very pleased with my presentation. Yea!!! It was SUCH a relief having BOTH those things out of the way and BOTH of them having gone well.

A 4th-celebration was that I am just coming back from a 4-day looooooong weekend for the 2nd Eid. I may complain about some things in the Arab world but one of this is NOT the lack of long holidays. I REALLY debated about going somewhere, BUT held back because both my trip home next month is going to be expensivo, and also just wanted to chillax at home. So I did just that and looooved it! Caught up on some American shows, am reading a great book (Steve Jobs autobiography), spent some time at the beach, did some athletic things, but not too much, so my body feels more rested (I think I was overdo'ing it before), and broke my healthy eating for some "fun" foods. All and all, the next month is going to be nutty, so I'm super glad I got to REST this past weekend!

And now my final celebration is the countdown! In almost exactly a month I will be going.... H-O-M-E!! To say I'm excited, is an understatement. Because I will only be in Chicago a week, I'm already booking up with people to see and things to do (my mom has been request to make her famous borscht soup AND I am requesting to do something cultural, like a symphony, opera, or theatre, because I haven't done any of that stuff ALL YEAR). Soooo.... heads up to you Chicago people, I'll be around November 30th to December 7th... then off to my other travels!

I'll try to do at least one more blog update before I leave... it might be about my first athletic races in Dubai! I'm doing a 1/2 marathon, 10k run/1/6k swim, and 10 mile run... all within this month of November! Once I finish those, more reasons to celebrate!!! :-)

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