Soo... a few things, well, many things were different about this marathon compared to last:
1. I ran all last summer (2013). This summer I took the whole summer off from running, wanted to take a break because got a bit scared with my back flare-up.
2. Last year I was VERY VERY motivated. My prize was Dubai Marathon, was focused, determined and 110% committed. This time around I didn't decide to run it until... what was it? Maybe early to mid-December when I conveniently was doing the long runs with the group and it was almost a "well, if I'm doing all the long runs, why not?" BUT NEVER had ANY intentions of racing it as last time, from day 1 said I was using it as a training run and really believed that. Soo... having said that, motivation and focus was there, just not so much. I officially registered the last few days before it closed, so that says something (whereas before it was months in advance).
3. Weight. I did drop from my summer/fall of indulgence but prob was am a couple of kg (few pounds) heavier. That makes a BIG difference.
4. Food. REALLY watched what I ate, fairly strict, for what seemed like forever, but a good couple of months. This time around was eating healthy, but when I gave myself cheat days, it definitely was a cheat day!
5. Training. I'll bore with those details later. Some changes, and I am still ?? which tactic was better. Hmm...
The marathon was January 23rd, and in December the distance varied from 26-32km. Fair enough! Then in January it was 35.5 km (3 weeks out, the longest run), 26.5 km, then 20km the week before the marathon, which mind you, was waaaaay too much. Hmph! That 3rd week before the marathon, felt really in shape, doing stairs, strength training, swim, yoga! Then the whole taper process, I know it's needed and warranted, but when you cut back your activity, I really feel my body gets soo lazy! And with the carbo-loading, felt the weight I had lost crept back up (just a little bit).
The actual run: I forgot how much I mentioned in my previous blog, but pretty much unlike EVERY training run I've ever had, usually I am known for my consistency and pacing, I was TOTALLY all over the pace. About 5-6km saw a friend and she said we were running about 5:30 min/km. I thought perfect! Last year, again, although am not nearly in as good of shape, started at the same a
nd when looking at my splits, felt it was almost too slow. So I swear I thought I thought i picked it up just a bit and it only was a couple of km later when these guys next to me said we were now running at 5min/km. Eh? The whole run was like that, never really found my groove. Felt was too slow, picked it up and then went too fast, then back down again. AND oddly, at about the 7-8km I already felt my quads were tight/a bit tired. Eh? So weird! I mean, they were fine, just I could feel them and of course as the run progressed, more and more. Found a decent groove halfway through the race but even then felt like I was going to poop. And I did! The last 12 km were never-ending and got that crampy sensation as last year (but it was much later) and felt hot and dehydrated. Usually I sip the water they hand out but I drank a whole thing and even took one with me and sipped it along the way.... this made a huge difference and the crampy niggles went away. My legs felt super heavy and just at the turn around point, around 35km saw some friends.... kept up with them for a little bit, was a head a bit, and then the last 3-4km they passed me and were like "come on" and ... just couldn't. Literally was running 5:50's I think... my legs just felt sooo heavy. Sigh.
My splits:
15km: 5:15 pace
35km: 5:13 pace
42km: 5:49 pace
My final time was: 3:44:56 with avg pace at 5:20km.
SOoo.... funny enough, I really had it in my head and was telling people I would aim for between 3;45-3:50, and there you have it! So was a smidge happy that I got under 3:45, BUT .... I guess although I performed accordingly to the shape I feel I was in, just got a wee disappointed by not only being 7 minutes off the time from last year, but more so that I had such a yo-yo and haphazard run.
My training was somewhat similar with running 4ish times a week, always long run on Fridays, it was a bit different in that the intervals I was doing last time were long intervals and I also was doing them on a Tuesday night and then would do a longer run (15km'ish) the next morning. Basically, running on tired legs. This time did "shorter" intervals on Monday morning and a LSD (long slow distance) run on Tuesday. Who's to know what's better or not? I also added personal training to my regime this year. I think strength training is super important and have felt a HUGE difference with it because when I first started running, was sooooooooooo sooooooooooo weak! Now I can do squats and lunges just fine. BUT, my only hesitation now is that with the added muscle there is added weight and... I swear, being lean does have a say with runners and leaner people fair much better than bulky people (and I bulk easily). I dunno... will have to play around a bit with it. Besides that, most other things the same, swimming twice a week, stairs 1-2x/week, spinning 1x/week (am weaning from that though), strength training and of course running.
So now my "prize" is Boston in April. Have 3 months almost exactly. Obviously have a good baseline and according to some, don't need to do too too much to prepare. I will continue with the routine, but to me know DIET is the key, need to loose a couple of kg (a few pounds) to feel ready to run. I can always engorge AFTER the marathon! It is soo important to stay light I feel!
My recovery from the marathon has been okay, actually got super busy with other stuff, so pretty much did nothing until Wed when I did a 6km easy run and then bikram yoga at Wed night. Then swim the next day and then again, long'ish distance with the club.
Here are some glamour (ha!) pics, starting with most flattering to least, ha ha:
Love this pic! Look strong and relaxed, the last few meters of the marathon. Too bad felt totally the opposite! I know I have this in my previous blog, just liked it so much had to post it again!
Giving the thumbs up at approx 25km... think I was in a good groove at that point!
Besides a good pic of my leg muscle bulk and at least my facial expression isn't like the dude behind me, an okay pic!
Another view of the final stretch, front on - shoulder elevated, arms swinging, definitely can tell in this one (no hiding) I was pooped!
And of course I couldn't have done any of this without my fab running group, Dubai Creek Striders! We stumbled about them takings this group snap before the marathon I'm somewhere in the back'ish and right (looking at the pic), my head is popping up somewhere.
Soo.... all and all, my 6th marathon and 3rd fastest. The pressure is on for this next one, my lucky number 7 and hopefully my last. Just need to revamp a bit and re-focus! One big change I just did is actually open the box and start my Garmin 220. I know I went on and on and on about how running how I feel is the best way to go, but as this "training run" was quite a training run in the sense that I saw firsthand how all over the place I was without knowing my pace, it is time to put aside the stubborness and get in with the times of technology! Let's see what it does for me!!! I have been talking with a few other runners, about the importance of LSD (long slow distance) versus killing ourselves with these long runs (as far as going with a quicker pace) and also "less is more." My good friend pulled off a 3:28 with that tactic and I am absolutely amazed!!!! Soo... will come up with a good scheme :-)
p.s. Whoa whoa whoa! Have some fun news!!! So long story short, our parent company is Dubai Holdings, and they sponsor us for the run (which is awesome because it's $150). So being that so few people run the 42km marathon (most do 10km), last year I tend to make it near the top of the group, which is good because they give prizes! Last year got an ipad! Soo this year, somehow, out of the so few people, I got the fastest time in the company, ha! So funny! So they sent me an email about some silly awards thing, which I was about to ignore until I saw "cash prizes." Hmm.... So I happen to have been off that day and decided to go, why not? Well, I'm glad I did because you know what my prize was? $1300!!!!! I almost died! So that was super super super good news and made my day. I've had a lot of expenses lately so immediately put it in the bank in order not to spend it on silly stuff. Then took out some good friends for dinner to say Thank You for all their support. So yay!! Although the run is a total drag (sooo bor-ing!), hey, now I'm motivated to run next year! heheh